Events : Rangayana Shivamogga Presents Rangapayana Kathapayana
Rangayana Shivamogga Presents Rangapayana Kathapayana


Sunday, 02 August 2020


6:00 PM - 7:00 PM




′ * Rangayana story journey _* ′′
(Story, Poetry, Drama Reading, Subject Mandana Forum) *
Ranga friends...
It is possible to notice that all the fields are slightly fixed due to corona, even theatre is not apart from this. Currently we need to get ourselves active again. Shimoga Rangayana has started online reading in this background.
* 4th * Program
August 2th Sunday at 6 pm
* Life is coloring - art *
Content to be stated:
* the Mrs. Pannaga jois. Theatre, An Arbor, America *
There will be a little conversation after the reading.
Share this link with your friends. Let more people participate...
For information contact: 9845014229

Please Note

Event timings may vary slightly

Address, , Shimoga, Karnataka-560001