The episode begins..
Anupama is heading towards the Shah house from gurukul for the Satyanarayan pooja.
She is limping due to the punishment she received.
Bhairavi tells Anupama that Gurumaa scolded and punished her a lot today. Anupama sees it as a blessing from the teacher.
Bhairavi wonders why the teacher can't give her blessing all at once.
Anupama asks Bhairavi to stop talking and thinks that Anuj would be present at the Shah house for Samar's pooja making this day the most difficult for her.
The Shahs are making arrangements for the pooja.
Dolly and Meenu visit them.
Leela notices that Meenu has grown so big.
Meenu responds by saying that one shouldn't comment on a girl's age, even Leela has become too old.
Dolly scolds Meenu to behave, but Leela says it's okay, at least someone has stood up to her.
Dolly then asks about Sanjay, to which Dolly replies that he got the AGM position at the office but took leave to attend all the functions.
The Shahs discuss how a groom works during his own wedding.
Dolly asks when Anupama bhabhi will arrive and Meenu asks if Little Anu will also come.
The Shahs change the topic and avoid answering the question.
Kavya enters the room.
Vanraj remembers their past arguments.
Leela mentions that they didn't expect Kavya to come.
Kavya explains that she wouldn't miss Samar's wedding and even Anupama had invited her.
She greets each family member and goes to her room.
Vanraj follows her.
Anupama arrives at the Shah house, feeling nervous.
Bhairavi asks if her leg is hurting a lot.
Anupama replies, saying it's not too painful.
Bhairavi enters the house with Bhavesh and Kanta.
Anupama reminisces about the special moments she shared with Anuj and buys a gajra (a string of flowers) for herself, as he likes it.
The song "O Sathi Re..." plays softly in the background.
Anupama eagerly looks around, searching for Anuj.
Vanraj approaches Kavya.
She asks him how he is doing since she heard about his heart attack.
He reassures her that he is fine now.
Kavya shares that Leela blames her for his heart attack, but Vanraj advises her not to worry about Leela and instead asks about how she is feeling.
She responds by saying she is fine.
Vanraj comments that she looks radiant after separating from him.
Kavya inquires about his job and he replies that it's going well.
Then, he asks about her job.
Nervously, she admits that she has taken a break from work to focus more on delivering quality rather than quantity.
Kavya expresses her concern about Anuj coming along with Maaya and Little Anu, fearing the potential consequences if Anuj and Anupama come face to face.
At that moment, Kavya notices the start of the pooja ceremony and excuses herself, walking away from the conversation.
Anupama's sandal slips.
Anuj picks it up and fixes it on her foot while looking at her.
The song "Chupana Bhi Nahi Aata Jatana Bhi Nahi Aata" plays in the background.
Leela asks Kanta about Anupama and Bhairavi mentions that she is standing outside.
Samar informs them that Dimpy messaged saying Anupama is on her way.
Vanraj walks out to receive Anupama and Kavya notices this.
Vanraj becomes jealous when he sees Anuj and Anupama together, hoping someone will interrupt the moment.
Anupama and Anuj both hope that one of them will speak and break the silence.
Suddenly, Little Anu enters the scene, calling out for Anuj.
Anupama emotionally hugs and showers love on Little Anu.
However, Little Anu stands silently without showing any reaction.
Anupama asks if she is okay and if Anuj has a fever.
Little Anu bluntly says that he is fine.
Anupama recalls the immense love Little Anu used to have for her and asks why she doesn't seem to miss her mommy and why she looks different, wondering if something happened.
Little Anu rudely replies that she is fine.
Maaya approaches them and asks Anupama how she is doing.
Dimpy, Ankush, Adhik, Barkha, and Pakhi enter the Shah house.
Little Anu, holding Anupama's hand, asks her parents if they can leave now and walks away with them.
Anupama feels shattered upon hearing this.
Little Anu greets Vanraj when she sees him.
Anuj asks Vanraj about his health, to which Vanraj replies that he is fine.
Anuj comments that Vanraj made a foolish choice by choosing a stone over a diamond.
Vanraj expresses his concern for someone else.
Maaya suggests to Anuj that they should go inside. Vanraj says that regardless of the reason, they are welcome to come in.
They enter the house.
Leela asks someone to call Anupama to start the pooja.
Everyone becomes angry upon seeing Anuj walking in while holding Little Anu's and Maaya's hands.
Anuj greets Hasmukh and Leela, but Kanta turns her face away.
Anuj then meets Dimpy, while Samar turns his face away.
Ankush pats Anuj, who emotionally hugs him.