Premam Poojyam is a Kannada Romantic movie and is running successfully throught Karnataka.
It is about to complete successful 50 days !
As you know, Nenapirali Pream, Brunda Aacharya and Aidrita Ray are playing lead roles in Premam Poojyam. Dr. Dr Raghavendra B S has directed movie.
Premam Poojyam - 2
Encourage by the success of Premam Poojyam movie, the same team has come together to make sequel to it.
Premam Poojyam - 2 will be launched on February 14, 2022. It is valentine's day.
Since the movie will be romantic movie with social message, it will be launched on valentine's day itself.
Premam Poojyam -2 Launch Date:
Premam Poojyam - 2 will be launched on 14-February-2022.
Lets look forward for the beautiful movie from the team and wish all the best to Premam Poojyam movie team.